Ask The Commish: I Missed Rivalry Week!

By Reginald James
Reginald James



I have a confession. I didn’t make a special schedule for “Rivalry Week.” I didn’t know there was such a thing. Is this really a big deal in fantasy football leagues? I’m not sure who I would match up in our league even if I did do it. No one said anything, I don’t think they cared. How should I decide who gets paired up if no one really seems to be into it? I’ll be ready next year.


To be honest, I’m not really sure how big of a deal Rivalry Week is in fantasy leagues. We don’t do it, and I don’t know anyone who does. That still doesn’t mean it’s not a big deal, but I don’t see people talking about their Rivalry Week on “Fantasy Twitter” either. If no one said, “Hey! What happened to Rivalry Week!” I’d say you’re good, and that the folks in your league probably don’t think it’s a big deal. It would make sense to me that leagues who are the most into it, are the ones that have been around for a long time. Although, my league is in its twenty-third year. There aren’t any rivalries that I’m aware of that would be worth scheduling. If you’re curious, why don’t you float an email out during the off-season to see if people would be interested in you scheduling specific matchups during Rivalry Week? Ask each person who’d they’d like to play against. Then you’ll know for sure what the interest is.


Have you ever heard of tipping a commissioner for Christmas or in general? A new guy in the league is wondering why we’re not going to and acting like it’s a normal thing, like we’re a bunch of weirdos or something lol. What say you?


Yup. I’ve heard of it. I would never do it myself as a league participant. I would also never, ever, expect my league to tip me. I know some leagues will tip their commissioner at the end of the year, but the Christmas angle is new to me. I guess it works as a combo Tip-Xmas gift? Makes sense if you’re into it. If it’s something your league has never done, and you’ve never been compelled to do it as a group, then I wouldn’t start now because of the urgings of the interloper. I’m joking about the interloper part. But seriously, nothing is stopping him from buying a Christmas present for your commissioner on his very own. He’ll have to come to terms with the tradition of tipping the commissioner remaining with his other league.


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