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Brandon Weeden Drafted To Start; McCoy Could Be Traded
(4/27 10:51 PT)

The Facts:
Following up on a previous item. ... Together, Trent Richardson and Weeden have a chance to completely transform the Browns' sluggish offense, one that averaged only 13.6 points per game last season. "When we don't hand it to Trent, we'll have Brandon throw it in there," said HC Pat Shurmur. "He's displayed the ability to get his team in the end zone and win games. We all know the importance of the quarterback position and we're addressing it to the point that we have a guy that we think is our guy as we move forward." Reported by the Cleveland Plain Dealer

Fantasy Football Diehards Line:
Of there was any question remaining, Tom Heckert acknowledged that Weeden was drafted to be the starting quarterback. He said the team would discuss whether or not to trade Colt McCoy Thursday night and Friday. "Eventually [Weeden's] going to be a starter for us," said Heckert. "That's what we draft him for. ..." Apparently the Thursday night discussions led the team to begin talking about a possible trade of McCoy to Green Bay. ... Stay tuned.


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